Appendix B Gifts Dedicated at Service of Dedication
February 16th, 1969 The Pulpit: by Mrs. E.A. Cudmore and Miss Olga Anderson
The Lectern: by Mr. and Mrs. Alex Henderson
Baptismal Font: by Rev. and Mrs. Ian Glass
Communion Table: by Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Stavert
Pew Chairs:
by Mr. and Mrs. Roy Boswall, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Buell, In memory of Miss Sarah Watson and Mr. William Wilson by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Watson
Offering Plates: In memory of Mrs. Wm. Cameron by the Family
Book of Remembrance and Stand:
In memory of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel S. Hood by grandson, Richard W. Montigny
Communion Tablecloths: by Mr. and Mrs. Sutherland MacLean
Cornerstone: by Mr. and Mrs. J. Martin Currie
Bibles: by the Wood Islands and Belfast Congregations
Chancel Cross:
In memory of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Wheatley and daughter Kathleen by Mr. and Mrs. Walter MacQuarrie and family
Bible for Study: In memory of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel S. Hood by Miss Vivian Stewart