Appendix C The following is a record of the events undertaken during 1990-91 to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the congregation. November 24, 1990 — Congregational Potluck Supper and a "roast" in honour of Rev. Ian and Janet Glass . November 25, 1990 — Special Service to recognize the Founding Members of St. Mark's. January 1991 — The Women's Association was profiled this month. Special Service on the 25th with Life Membership of A.M.S . to five founding members of St. Mark's: Betty Auld , Elizabeth Boswall , Janet Glass , Doreen Myers and Jessie MacQuarrie . February 1991 — The Boy Scout movement within the congregation was pro¬ filed. Tim MacEwen and Norman Myers represented our 2nd Sherwood group at morning service on the 17th. March 1991 — The Kirk Session of St. Mark's was profiled with Elders reading the Scriptures and serving as Hosts each Sunday. April 1991 — Our Scottish heritage was profiled this month and included "An Evening of Scottish Music with The Wilkinson's and Friend's" organized by Rev. Donald and Joy Wilkinson . May 1991 — Church School and Youth month. Three banners, designed and made by the Youth Group, were dedicated on the 12th. A special book was com¬ piled with one page completed by each Church School student. June 1991 — The anniversary of the first service held in Sherwood Hall was featured on the 9th. Rev. Ian Glass was special guest, using some material from that first service. July 1991 — Recognition of the Sod-Turning Ceremony of 1968 was held on Sunday 14th. Rev. M.C. Currie participated in the planting of an Anniver¬ sary Blue Spruce. August 1991 — Lester and Lois MacFadyen were honoured on the 4th as the first couple married in St. Mark's. An outdoor praise service that same even¬ ing was held but eventually brought indoors because of rain. Morning service on the 11th saw St. Mark's four Ministers present, with Rev. Cameron Bigelow conducting worship. October 27, 1991 — Recognition of the first ever Baptismal Service of the congregation. November 1991 — 25th Anniversary Service held on the 24th, with Rev. Dr. John Cameron , Moderator of the General Assembly preaching. New stained- glass Memorial windows were also dedicated the same morning. There was a special display in the sanctuary throughout the year. This featured photos and artifacts of the congregation's 25 years. Many events of the year were video-taped by Dr. Roy Campbell . These will be compiled into a special tape and made available for purchase by members. 19