REV. IAN GLASS, B.A., B.D., was born in Dumbarton, Scotland. His family emigrated to Canada in 1954 and settled in Galt, Ontario. He worked in industry for seven years as a mechanical draftsman before entering university to study for the ministry. He attended Waterloo Lutheran University (now Sir Wilfred Laurier University) where he obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree. He received a Bachelor of Divinity degree from Knox College in April 1966 and was ordained to the Christian Ministry at Galt, Ontario, on May 12th, 1966.
The General Board of Missions appointed Rev. Mr. Glass as an Ordained Missionary to establish the congregation of Sherwood— Parkdale Presbyterian Church (now St. Re“ Ian C. Glass Mark’s Presbyterian Church) in March 1966. 1966 _ 1973 He and his wife Janet (also of Galt) arrived in Sherwood late in May of 1966. A Service of Recognition was held for him by the Presbytery of P.E.I. on June 23rd, 1966, and he was formally inducted as Minister of St. Mark’s on April 1st, 1971.
Rev. Mr. Glass provided strong leadership for St. Mark’s from 1966 until September 1973 when he resigned to accept the position of chaplain at the University of Prince Edward Island. Mrs. Glass contributed generously of her time and energy to the work of the church. Three daughters — Linda, Nancy, and Suzanne — were born to Ian and Janet during his term of service as minister of St. Mark’s.
During his ministry at St. Mark’s, Rev. Mr. Glass was very active in several areas of community life. He was a founding member of the Charlottetown Inter Faith Group which later became today’s Charlottetown Christian Council. He served as chairman of the RBI. Labour-Management Relations Council and was commissioned to the rank of Captain while serving as chaplain to the P.E.I. Militia. In the early 1970’s, he acted as chairman of a community group which raised funds for and supervised the construction of the Sherwood-Parkdale Sportsplex, a facility designed to meet the recreational needs of the young people of the area.
After serving for three years as chaplain at U.P.E.I., Ian went to work for the RBI. Department of Agriculture to head up federal-provincial negotiations for the dairy industry. He later worked for Agriculture Canada providing marketing assistance to the agriculture industry. He is presently employed with Veterans Affairs Canada in the area of federal-provincial negotiations related to health care for Canada’s veterans.