REV. J. CAMERON BIGELOW, B.A., B.D., M.Th., was St. Mark’s second minister. The son of Rev. and Mrs. Jesse E. Bigelow, he was born in Charlottetown, P.E.I., and raised in Wester Canada. He received a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Alberta in 1965, studied theology for two years at Presbyterian College, Montreal, and at Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, New Jersey. He received a Bachelor of Divinity degree from Princeton Seminary in 1969, and a Master of Divinity degree in the field of pastoral theology from the same institution in 1970. He also spent some time in 1971 studying at the Ecumenical Institute in Geneva, Switzerland.
_ . Rev. J. Cameron Bigelow, Rev. Mr. Bigelow was ordalned to the B.A., B.D., M.Th.
Christian Ministry on June 25th, 1971, and ' 1974 — 1981
served as Ordained Missionary at Forbes
Presbyterian Church, Grande Prairie, Alberta, from 1971 to 1974. In March 1974 he was appointed to serve as Ordained Missionary at St. Mark’s. He arrived in Sherwood in mid-summer with his wife Linda — a former teacher and deaconess — and young son J. Wilson. Rev. Mr. Bigelow preached his first sermon here on August 4th, 1974, and the Presbytery of P.E.I. held a Service of Recognition for him on September 5th, 1974. Like his predcessor, he provided strong and energetic leadership for the congregation of St. Mark’s as well as for that of St. Columba with which it was almagamated in June 1976. Mrs. Bigelow, a native of Harvey Station, New Brunswick, took an active part in various church groups and taught in St. Mark’s Kindergarten from 1976 to 1981. A second son, Charles Robert, was born to the Bigelow’s in May 1976.
While fulfillinghis ministerial duties at St. Mark’s and St. Columba, Rev. Mr. Bigelow also served as President of the Charlottetown Christian Council from 1977 to 1979, as President of the Board of the Protestant Family Services Bureau from 1979 to 1981 , as a member of the Atlantic Ecumenical Council from 1978 to 1981, was on the national executive of the Inter Church Association to Promote Social Justice for the year 1979-80, and was Moderator of the Presbytery of P.E.I. in 1978. He resigned in February 1981 to accept a call from Central Presbyterian Church in Brantford, Ontario.