REV. JACK CHIANG, M.Div., S.T.M., the third minister to serve St. Mark’s, was born in Ping Tong, Taiwan, the second of eight children. His family converted to Christianity following a very serious illness of his mother during which she was cared for in a Presbyterian hospital. He was baptized and received into full communion with the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan in 1959 at the age of seventeen.

Rev. Mr. Chiang attended Tung Hai University, Tainan Theological College (where he obtained a Master of Divinity degree in 1971), and the South East Asia Graduate School of Theology, all in Taiwan. In 1973 his studies brought him to the

Graduate School of Theology in Saskatoon Rev. Jack Chiang, where in 1978 he completed the requirements M.Div., S.T.M. for the degree of Master of Sacred Theology. 1982 1989

From 1976 to 1979, Rev. Mr. Chiang was Director of Prince Albert Presbyterian Fellowship House in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan. He then spent eight months in Florida assisting a brother establish a restaurant. He returned to Canada and spent the next year as Dean of the Presbyterian Residence in Saskatoon. He was accepted as a candidate for ordination by the 106th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Canada in 1980, was licensed by the Presbytery of Northern Saskatchewan in August of that year and ordained in December by the Presbytery of Lindsay-Peterborough. He then served as minister for the three-point charge of South Monaghan, Fowler’s Creek, and Millbrook.

In 1982, Rev. Mr. Chiang accepted a call to serve as minister for the two- point charge of Marshfield and Sherwood. He arrived in Sherwood in December accompanied by his wife Ruth former teacher and their daughter Hannah.

Rev. Mr. Chiang was inducted by the Presbytery of P.E.I. on December 10th, 1982, and installed as minister for the congregations of St. Columba and St. Mark’s. He preached his first sermon on December 12th. He served his congregations with energy and enthusiasm. He brought a new dimension to the involvement of the minister of St. Mark’s in the community, in that he was frequently called upon to help translate for foreign students and for tourists who spoke Taiwanese or Chinese and whose knowledge of English was very limited. Mrs. Chiang was a member of the Senior Choir, was active in the Women’s Association, and taught Mandarin Chinese to a small group of children. A son Samuel was born to Jack and Ruth during their stay in Sherwood.

In March 1989 Rev. Mr. Chiang advised the Session that he would be leaving in mid-July to accept a call from First Presbyterian Church in Palisades Park, New Jersey, which was very anxious to obtain the services of a bilingual minister who was fluent in Taiwanese. The Presbytery of PHI. held a farewell service for the Chiang family at St. Columba on July 11th.