© Belfast Historical Society, 1992
ISBN 0-9695400-3-5 All rights reserved
Published with the generous assistance of the Canada—Prince Edward Island Co-operation Agreement on Cultural Development
Edited by Susan Hornby Project Co—ordination by Mary Ross Introduction by Alan Buchanan Copy Editing by Hesta MacDonald, Mary Ross, Alan Buchanan, Mae Buchanan Photography by Jean Homby Cartography by Kenneth S. MacDonald Production & Design by Ken Shelton, Tea Hill Press, Charlottetown, P.E.I. Typesetting by Technographics, Charlottetown, P.E.I. Printed by Les Editions Marquis
Published by Tea Hill Press Bellevue Road RRl Charlottetown
Prince Edward Island Canada ClA 7J6
Canadian Cataloging in Publication Data
Belfast people
Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 0-9695400—3—5
l. Belfast (P.E.I.) — Biography. 2. Belfast (P.E.I.) — History. I. Hornby, Susan. II. Ross, Mary, 1918-
FC2649.B45B45 1992 971.7'4 C92-098646-3 F1049.5.B45B45 1992