Square brackets [] are used to enclose words which I have added in places where the speaker’s own words left the meaning incomplete or where I speculated on what was said if actual words were unclear.
Everything else in the main text is the words of the speakers as they spoke them. Asterisks (*) indicate reference to one of the 27 individuals featured in another chapter.
I am indebted to many people for their advice and encouragement during the preparation of Belfast People but two in particular stand out.
Mary Ross, my co—worker, has been a firm friend and a diligent researcher. She is the heart behind the book and has seen 14 years pass on its road to fruition. Many of the interviews are hers; Mary has brought the participants to a vivid recollection of their past with warmth and enthusiasm. Her knowledge of the people and the area helped identify stories and information that otherwise might not have been collected.
Harry Baglole, my husband and in—house editor, has overseen the book’s production from the beginning. His expertise in history, writing, editing, and publishing have been invaluable. His love for the area and the book encouraged us all.
My family has played a very active role in the production of this book. My mother, Jean Homby, photographed most of the participants. My brother, Jeff Hornby, developed the photos and copied others taken from the numerous old pictures donated by the people or their families. Another brother, Jim Homby, gave advice on oral history interviewing and editing, both to me and to the 1977 summer project staff.
I wish to express my appreciation to a number of individuals and agencies for their assistance: to the Public Archives of Prince Edward Island for help with the 1977 tapes; to my friends and colleagues at Correctional Service of Canada (Charlottetown Parole) and the John Howard Society of PEI for their support and use of office equipment; to Hesta MacDonald, Alan Buchanan and all others who read portions of the manuscript and offered comments and suggestions; to Ken Shelton for his expertise in book design and publishing; to Mary’s brother, Malcolm Nicholson, for his frequent hospitality to me over the years; and to Mary’s and my families and friends for their love.
Our deepest gratitude and final tribute goes to the participants of this book and to their families. For their patience, their willingness to help, their generous lending of precious photographs, their warm hospitality,