Some of them went to Australia, New Zealand, North America. My wife’ s people, who were Nicholsons, they moved away from there and stayed in another part of Skye. And, 1842, they come out to Valleyfield, Prince Edward Island: settled there.

The Polly People

Lord Selkirk... he belonged to the Lowlands; and his forefathers and relatives died and left the estates with him. I guess he was very rich. So he thought that he’d help the Scots to come over to North America, Prince Edward Island, for to have a better life... . That was in 1803... .

The Polly we’ll take that first it went to what they call the Selkirk Park now, in the Belfast area. MacRaes, a family of MacRaes came: and there was several families of Gillises came... : and there was a lot of MacLeods. There was just one Murchison family, Donald Murchison and Anne MacGillivray, and they settled in Point Prim.

The Dykes now...came from the Isle of Mull. It’s next to Skye, the Inner Hebrides. I believe it went in to Charlottetown Harbour now. I’m not sure about that.

And then the Oughton. They loaded at the Isle of Uist, and I expect that they picked up passengers, probably, from the Isle of Barra or North Uist they’re small islands, close together. And they came to Georgetown.

I heard that the Polly people gave Lord Selkirk a kind of a bawling out, for they thought they’d get something better than they did. The French left [the Belfast area] about 45 years before that and the land they had cleared had grown all in bushes again... . It just looked like all woods.

They were very lonesome when they got here, and they were very disappointed. [But] they just settled in the woods and started to cut the trees down and build the log houses.

Kilmuir Settlers

Kilmuir was called first Whim Road Cross, and later on changed to Kilmuir because some of the families came from Kilmuir, the Isle of Skye.

That’d be in the early 1840s: ’42, I believe, was the first settler. There was a John Martin had the first store there: I don’t know when, but he came in 1843. These Martins were on the Murray Harbour Road. This John Martin had a brother, Dr. Martin they called him Dr. Martin Martin. And he moved up here to Kilmuir.

And then there was a MacKinnon family in Point Prim. They came out on the Polly in 1803. And Willie MacKinnon was drowned coming from

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