wouldn't hurt anybody. But it would torment people all right. So he was at our place one time, I remember quite well, [when my brothers] Doug and Jim were growing up. They were more full of mischief than anything. My Uncle Simon got up and had his breakfast and they says, "We didn't hear any lies this morning yet from you." "Oh no," he says, "wait till I have a smoke and then I'll tell you plenty." Oh, he was kinda provoking to some but he was amusing to others. Country Merchants My father, M.C. McGowan , and his people came from Kilmuir , the Isle of Skye. He was called after his grandfather, Malcolm Campbell , who settled in Brooklyn , Lot 6 1... . When my father got through school he decided to take up the carpenter trade. He'd be probably 17.... He learnt the carpenter trade in Wood Islands with William Emery 1, about 1890, as far as I know. 1893, my father bought the place at Kilmuir . It was a tailor shop: he got it for 80 dollars: that's where he started the store... . He built two houses in the area and he got a hundred dollars apiece for building them. The second house he built he got the hundred dollars and he bought groceries. He sold groceries in the evening and had carpenter work through the day. My father bachelored there till 1900 and he got married then - Jessie Murchison from Point Prim . Her father was drowned when she was three years old, sailing from Georgetown : well, sailing all over the world, for MacDonald and Son in Georgetown .... He was lost at sea in 1875.... There was my Uncle Simon [and my mother] just two of them. Mother's mother went to Boston to work at housework, and she left the children at Point Prim , at Mount Buchanan . My mother went to school at Mount Buchanan and Point Prim . [Then] she went up to the States and she learnt the millinery trade. She had a tailor shop, millinery shop, in Cambridge , Massachusetts . When she married my father in 1900, she still made hats and bonnets for the old ladies. She had a millinery room in the back of the store, and they lived there till 1908.1 was born in the back of the store, fourth in the family. The rest was born across the road in the house where I'm living now. Father-in-law of Kate Emery . Angus McGowan 19