Courtesy Angus McGowan McGowan family in front of McGowan s store, about 1946. Top, L to R: Reverend Jim , Angus, Dr. John , Murdoch, Douglas; Bottom: Elizabeth, Euphemia, Mother Jessie, Peggy (Margaret), Annabelle, Annie. [My father] bought produce from the farmers, potatoes and oats - and loaded potatoes, vessels of potatoes, at Montague for Halifax and New¬ foundland and that. He had the business head, yes..., he was a great planner ahead you know. It was all horses them times. Then, my father, about 1917, he got a Maxwell truck. That was a great help, but he needed the horses, too. Say, 1917 or '18, he had three men working on the farm and hauling produce to Montague and home, and...three or four working the store. It was big business, sure, for a country store.. His business grew up like that, and some hard years come, and he had a hard time getting through. This was after the war, was one hard year, bad year there. They had poor crops. The price of produce was poor, and they couldn't pay their bills. My father had 18 head of cattle - milk cows - at that time, and 1 opened about that time and he used to ship the cream in. I 1. Later became Perfection Foods in Charlottetown . 20 BELFAST PEOPLE