remember one cheque being a hundred and five dollars. That was some- thing in 1920. He had that money to carry on.
Then, the next year, things picked up and he was able to survive.
I feel that [my father] was just a servant for the public. He had a little more capital than what the customers had you know. Farmers were poor. And he had to have that to carry on his business. Some years there’d be a poor price or a poor crop. Well, you had to carry them more.1 He was probably poorer than they were at times.
He had to borrow money. And then when times would pick up they would pay him what they owed him. A lot of people who would have nothing in their cupboard, he wouldn’t turn them down, no.
Courtesy Jean Homby
Angus McGowan, 1982.
l. Extend credit to customers.
Angus McGowan 21