We'd always have a goose [for Christmas dinner]. I remember a cousin of ours up in Surrey . We called him Jimmy Donald Sam . They always kept geese and they'd always send a goose down for our dinner. And then we'd go up there for New Year's dinner and they'd have another goose. [And] plum pudding, made in a bag you know. Oh, were they ever good? Now they're in little tin boxes. So, that was that. Shivarees1 I was married in Charlottetown . I was married in Pittsfield first, and the [second] time it was quiet. Coming out on the train, there was a water tank - the train used to take the water in - and while we were waiting, they all came aboard with rice. Lord, they'd near blind you with rice and confetti. The place was polluted! Collection of Kate Emery Kate and older brother, "Neil's" Angus, with 1922 car. 1. A common custom on P.E.I , of "serenading" the newlywed couple on their wedding night by beating on pots, pans, kettles and other assorted noisemakers. 28 BELFAST PEOPLE