used to get so mad. He used to say, "He wouldn't do it home, but he'll do it here." Spit in anything. That was Angus Neil . Stories. Everybody had a story. And they'd come from miles to the station. Grits There was another time up at Little Sands . I don't know if you've ever heard that, but before the church service the men hung around there talking, you know, and gossiping and finding out the news. And this old fella was hard of hearing, and he was listening. They were talking about this man that had come in to Little Sands and they wondered what he did, what he was going to do, and if he was married, and "I wonder what church he goes to?" And this old fella pipes up and he says, "Is he a Grit?" If he was a Grit, that was all that was needed. "Is he a Grit?" Fishing I had a boat. Gordon built me a boat. He was, well, he was no more than 15 or so. He got the picture out of a magazine and however he built it, everybody wondered at it. It was the most beautiful thing. You couldn't tip in it. It was big you know. And it was well made. I used to sit in that and did I ever love it. And the dam then was so clear and nice. Fishing - oh, I loved to fish. Sometimes, oh, I caught them quite big. And, what I did one time was before the fishing season opened - the day before..., I said to Gordon, "I'm going to go down, see what I can get tonight when there's nobody there. I never like to fish when people are around me." And I got two very nice trout. I came home, and I got at them, and I put the frying pan on, and I had them sizzling, cooking, when Gordon comes in. And he opened the door, and he stood, and he says, "Mama!" He knew what I had done. He knew I broke the law. But I got my two trout anyway. But that was my life. I had the happiest life in the world. No cares. 30 BELFAST PEOPLE