Courtesy Jean Homby

Stewart in 1982.

issues. There was quite a few years they talked about the Wood Islands ferry. Way back. Speakers. One calling the other everything they could think of. '

Didn’t do much good. Talk is no good. I didn’t believe in talk at all. I never said one word in the Legislature when I was in there 15 years. They took me back. Never said a word. You do your business outside the Legislature; you don’t do it in there. It’s all talk and a waste of time. That’s all it is. Well, there’s a certain amount you got to do in there. That’s right. You got to put bills through and the like of that.

[After political meetings] they’d get outside the door and clap each other on the back. Think they did a good job. The Liberals and the Conserva— tives. Perhaps all pile into one house and have a feed. Oh, the people, you know, didn’t like for them to be going around [together]. The voters thought the other side wasn’t good. That’s right. They thought the fellas 0n the other side weren’t good people, really. Just their own side was good.

Stewart Ross 43