Neil Morrison was a farmer and lobster fisherman, but he didn’t work so hard he couldn’ I enjoy his family and friends. He loved the farm on which he was born and lived, and took pleasure in its proximity to the sea. One of four sons born to Hector Morrison and Isabel Nicholson of Pinette, Neil married Belle Morrison in 1916 and raised three children,

Lloyd, Donald, and Isabel (MacDonald). All three live in the Belfast area; Lloyd occupies the old homeplace.

I was born the year 1887: it was right here on this farm. Always lived

here, all my life. I was 18 years of age when my father 1905. There was four boys I was the youngest of them and the other three are

dead... So I’m still here.


Used to have lots of stumping frolics. They’d have a piece of land to Clear. They’d get a gallon of rum, a bunch of them. They’d do a lot of work, too, and they’d have a dance in the night. There wasn’t many. That was kinda before my time, but I remember one or two of them. I was only a little kid then. I was never at any stumping frolics in my time. But years before that, before I was born, it was quite a common thing.

They ’d be clearing land for themselves. Perhaps a couple of acres. There wasn’t much cleared land then. They had a tough time at it, didn’t they? I wonder how they made out. And they were happy, happier than the people today.... If they were warm and had enough to eat they thought they were doing wonders. And they were too.

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