Cattle Trading I bought a lot of animals. We were all looking for the best. Cow for seven dollars - that's the first I bought. [I took it to] George Annear in Lower Montague - oh, she was thin as a whip. He says, "Will you give me that cow to fatten? I'll give you half of her." He took her, fattened her, and it was the best meat we ever had. That's about the first one I remember. Willie MacKenzie had a shorthorn cow up here. I'm gonna tell you. I offered him 25 dollars for her. Oh, it's 20 years ago. Perhaps it's more. And he wouldn't sell her to me. He took her and he sold her to some Jew up in a car. Charlie Morrison can tell you; we were talking about it the other night. I went up to Marty Griffin 's. Marty got killed you know. And he only had one good cow up there. He had two [others]; you wouldn't take them home if you got them for nothing. And he had a bull and two heifers. I bought the four of them from the woman and the man that came home from Boston . I bought the cow for 250 dollars, just what the old man asked. I got 500 for her. But I could a got six. Oh, she was a beauty. And then I sold the other three animals to this fella that got the lighthouse in Wood Islands . And he bought a cow from me at the same time. Then I bought an awful lot from old [Palmer] MacLure. Oh, dandies, down in Dover . Four and five at a lick. He was a great old fella. He always had good animals, but they're dear. Cattle is awful dear now. Well, 12 hundred dollars for an ordinary milk cow. Fright. Lot of money. Where was it the day that I bought that cow and she jumped over the truck and broke her horn off? I was away, and I bought a heifer from a fella, from Johnny Ross ; it was a heifer. And then I called out to MacDonald's out in Caledonia , and I bought a cow from him. She was a wild bugger. She jumped out and broke her horn off. No - she didn't jump out, but she broke her horn off. And I'll tell you what I done once, one day in July, with a horse and wagon. I went up to Dougald Stewart 's in Caledonia . I bought three cows. This is the God's truth. And I had my horse and wagon. I took the three cows home alone in July [with] the horse and wagon. I tied the three cows together and I let the horse go himself. He'd go as far as from here to the schoolhouse and he'd wait for me. By Jesus , I bought the three cows and I had four or five in the barn.... Oh Jesus , talk about ahot day in the summer. Something scandalous. 64 BELFAST PEOPLE