It was a common thing to sing, perhaps, in one or two churches [on a Sunday]. One Sunday we sang in four churches, from North Bedeque to Georgetown. But we were a little late getting to Georgetown... . Over the period of years, I think, we sang in 42 churches. A lot ofthem, we sang in a lot ofdifferent times. And then we sang at an awful lot offunerals. I don ’t think we ever sang at a wedding. [The organists were] Mrs. Martin MacDonald, my sister Florrie, and Annie MacRae.

We were always entertained, no matter where we went. And that was the nicest part ofour singing. You always met the nicest people in the different communities. We’d go to a certain home and perhaps there’d be a dozen other homes there helping out. Always got a big feed and we’d always sing three or four numbers while we were there.

We all loved to sing and there was no stopping us once we got singing.

Cameron MacPhee 19S