Church now. But I was only a little small child at the time - three or four years old- telling you how old I am! There was lots of dancing down there; I mean they had floors set out in the field for dancing on, and there was fiddlers. I remember three or four older girls grabbed me and got me into one of these dances. Well, I'd rather been anywhere else in the world than there... . But my grandfather was there and he had to go home in the afternoon to tend to some poultry or something he had. And he took me home with him. And we walked home through the fields. The main thing I remember about the tea now, I was so young at the time, was this walk home through the fields away from it with my grandfather. He had me by the hand and I was the happiest little man in the world. Early Life We earned a few cents then picking potatoes, and planting potatoes in the spring of the year. Probably 25 cents a day or something like that. Usually, well, your parents would send you: go and help somebody get their potatoes; they're late, get their potatoes out. Well, we didn't get anything for that [but] thank you. Pretty soon our pockets were full of thanks but you couldn't buy many suckers with it. I remember one fellow was noted for being very, very mean and I was there just once picking potatoes. There was five or six of us and we worked hard there for two days. We finished the second day and, come evening, he took a 20-dollar bill out of his pocket, asked if we could change it to get 50 cents apiece or something like that. Course, we didn't know there was such a thing as a 20-dollar bill. We couldn't change it. Well, he put it in his pocket. We never saw our money after that. I supposed he used it for years. I went to Charlottetown to work with R.E. Mutch , the wholesale place. His store was where that parking lot across from Rogers [Hardware is], just past the Island Furriers there, by the theatre. I worked there for about a year when the war broke out. And I tried to get into the army and I was turned down twice before my 15th birthday. Then I got in some months after that but I didn't get overseas; I only got to the garrison in Halifax . I was turned down three times for overseas there when I got there too. Bobs West 241