I started to grow up. But there were terrific singers. The Hubleys were all good singers, at Pinette , yeah. Rupert had a terrific voice, he had a terrific tenor voice. And his sister Nellie had a good voice. He had an uncle John lived up near Eldon. He was a good singer. He'd sing all night if you went in there you know. Eldon Hall I remember when the hall was built [in 1924]. Some of the people around got together and they figured they should have a bigger hall and they got organized and some donated lumber and some donated work and so on and they eventually had this hall built. I worked three or four days on it. I donated labour; I had no lumber to give. I believe it was 70 or 80 feet long and possibly 40 feet wide or something like this - a good-sized building, yes, yes. It was all finished with Douglas fir ceiling inside and there was a kitchen at the far end of it complete with a stove and cupboards and so on. It was a really up-to-date hall at that time, in those years. It had the name of being the nicest, the best country hall on the Island at that time when it was built. It was in use all the time. There was a lot of things going on - concert, dance, and so on. Mary Ross Collection Eldon Hall, c.1930. Bobs West 247