Agriculture, Federal Department of 189
Alaska 233
Alaskan Highway, the 226
Alberta 216,221
Alexandra 243
American War of Independence 94
Annear, George 64
Assiniboine Indians 94
Auckland, New Zealand 149
Australia 14
automobiles, early 171, 192, 233
B.C. Silver School, Halifax 161
Baker’s Mill, Pinette 229
bannock 130, 133
Barbados 148
Barrington Municipal High School 161
Barrington Passage, NS. 161
Battalion, the 105th 109, 223
Battalion, the 11th Engineers 223
Battalion, the 26th 223
Beach Grove Home 211
Beaton, Alex 75
Beaton, Angus Murdoch 71
Beaton, Dr. Alexander 246
Beaton, Eddie 79
Beaton Family, the 27
Beaton, Helen 166
Beaton, Malcolm 73
Beaton, Malcolm Ronald 166
Beaton’s Mills 27
Beers, George 166
Belfast (Eldon) Hall 189
Belfast, French Settlement 1
Belfast, Ireland 36
Belfast, Irish Settlement 2
Belfast, Origin of Name 3
Belfast Riot, the 4, 120, 249
Belfast, Scottish settlement 1
Belfast Tea, the 202
Belgium 224
Bell, Captain 237
Bell, Minnie 166
Belle River 1, 44, 45, 66, 71, 76, 77, 94, 95, 96, 165, 166, 182, 193
Belle River Christian Church 9
Belle River Lobster Factory 44
Belle River Station 184
Belle River United Church 9
Bellevue 165
Bethune, France 34
“Big Ice”, the 122, 149
Birch Hill 245
Birmingham, England 102
Bishop, Dave 248
blacksmith trade, the 16, 85, 170, 217
Blake, Merton 223
Boer War 239
Bon Accord, Alberta 213, 226
Boston, Massachusetts 19, 26, 45, 52, 64, 68, 79, 98, 104, 105, 197, 200, 206, 208, 235
“Boston States”, the 10
Bowers, Sherman 109
Brandon, Manitoba 93, 94
Brehaut, Dr. Lester 172, 190
British Columbia 17, 94, 213
Brody’s, fish buyers 52
Brookfield, NS. 161
Brooklyn 15, 16, 19
Brown, Billy 141
Brush Wharf 11
Brussels, Belgium 224