Buchanan, Douglas 148 Buchanan, Eddie 178 Buchanan, William 125 Bumsted, Prof. Jack 2 “bushing”the ice 149 butter, making 80 Byrne, Annie Murphy 125 Byme, Helen 126 Byme, John 125 Byme, Kate 135 Byme, Lawrence 127 Byme, Mary 126,127 Byme, Sue 126 Byme, Tom 127

C Caledonia 17, 64 Caledonia Church 246 Calgary, Alberta 200 California 17, 74 Cambridge, Massachusetts 19 Cameron’s Island 149 Camp Road, the 79 Campbell, Alex 178 Campbell Family, Belle River 66 Campbell, Malcolm 19 Canada Packers 45 Canadian National Railway, construc- tion of 213, 224 Canadian Pacific Railway 94 cancer 158 Cantelo, Dougald 237 Cantelo, Jack 53 Cape Bear 206 Cape Breton, Nova Scotia 9, 105, 205, 217 cards, playing “Auction 45’s” 74, 82, 161 carpentry trade, the 17 caskets, making of 176 Catechism 126 Catholic Men’s Benevolent Association 127 Catholics and Protestants 249 cattle trading 65 Ceilidh 25

Central Creamery 20

Charlottetown 10, 15, 28, 45, 51, 59,74, 85, 104, 149, 155, 158, 177, 178, 184, 208, 216, 233, 236, 246

Charlottetown Market, the 122

cheese making 141

Chicago, Illinois 94, 95

China Point 245

chores, daily household 80

chores, farm 88, 157, 186

Church of England 104, 240

Church of Scotland 9, 94

Church Union 9

Churchill, Manitoba 214

Coady Family, Newtown 127

Collins, Dr. 113

Compton, Ben 76, 95

Compton, Dan 93, 96, 98

Compton, Libby 92-99

Compton, “Tina” (Mrs. Lem) 222

Compton’s Lobster Factory 95

Compton’s mill 95

Condon, Mr. 214

Conservative Party 41, 42, 43, 76, 120, 147, 248

Cook, Frank 74

Cook, Roberta West

Corish’s Shore 149

Cork, Ireland 3

Coulson, Annie Cantelo 63

Coulson, Harry 62-69, 168, 169, 170

Coulson, Isabel Moore 63

Coulson, William 63

courting 165

crottle 132

Culloden 170

Curley, Mr. (Charlottetown) 210


Daly, James 192

dances 127,248

dances, house 75

Davies Family, Howard, Marie, Evelyn, Minnie, John 101

243, 245