Davies, George 100-113
Davies, George Acquila Sr. 101
Davies, George Jr. 101, 105
Davies, Gwendolyn 101, 102
Davies, Janie Penny 101, 113
Davies, John Ernest “Jack” 101, 102,105
Davies, Lucy Ann Pemberton 101
Davies, Victor 101,102
debates 74
DeBlois Bros., Charlottetown 44
DeLaval Co., the 192
Depression, the Great 5, 192
Dingwell, Stanley 224
Dixon, Andrew 104
Dixon, Joe 202
Dixon, MacLean 202
Docherty, Angus William 121, 148,149
Docherty, Barney 16
Docherty, George 86
Docherty, Jack 237
Dodds, Bill 36
Douglas, the Fifth Earl of Selkirk 1
Douse Road 165
Dover 64
Dublin, Ireland 36
Dundas 68
Dykes, the 2,14
Eamscliffe 125, 245
Edmonton, Alberta 221, 224, 226
Egg Circle, the 216
Eldon 27, 51, 66, 101, 105, 115, 126, 149, 165, 168, 189, 190, 200, 222, 233, 239, 250
Eldon Baptist Church 118
Eldon Hall 247
Eldon Post Office 149
Eldon School 116
Election of 1846 4
Election of 1959 41
Emery, Cora 29
Emery, Gordon 25, 30
Emery, Kate MacLean 24-31
Emery, Pete 25,29
Emery, William 19, 171, 175
England, UK. 34, 101, 148,223, 224, 239
farm hazards 57
Faulkner, Dan 222
Federal Dairying Co. Ltd., Eldon 45
Festubert, H.M.S. 110
Fifer, Rose 33
Finlayson’s boarding house 149
Finlayson, Captain Murdoch 237
Finlayson, Malcolm 105
fishermen’s union 44, 52, 235
Flat River 45, 72, 73, 79, 80, 127, 149,159,165,17l, 176, 216,246
Flat River Hall 74
“Flying Scotsman”, train 36
Fodhla Station, Iona 7, 10
Fort Augustus 127
France 44, 109, 223
Fraser, Dan 16
Fraser, Walter 106
Fredericton, New Brunswick 101
funerals 176
G Gaelic 2, 9, 26, 181, 182, 197, 201, 206 Gale of Newfoundland, the 1890 149 Garfield 75, 206, 213 Garfield Racetrack 221 Garloch 175 Gaudet, Rev. Fr. 135 Geographical Names of Prince Edward Island 6 Georgetown 19, 80, 195 Germany 224 Gillis, Annie Hubley 115 Gillis, Annie Martin 154-163 Gillis, Belle 200 Gillis, Bert 161 Gillis, Charlie 231 Gillis, Dr. John 159,249