Penny, Peter “the tailor”

Penny, Sam 229, 237

Perrybar, England 101

Phelan, Fr. James 6, 7, 126, 135

Pictou, Nova Scotia 80

Pinette 1, 45, 49, 52, 63, 65, 71, 116,118, 149, 155, 159, 166, 229

Pinette Racetrack 67

Pinette River 55, 223

Pittsfield, Maine 25, 28

Point Prim 1,14,16,17,19,66,71, 115, 147, 149, 166, 192,208,236, 240

politics 33, 42, 76, 155, 248

Polly Cemetery, the 148

Polly monument, the 240, 252

Polly Tea, the 199, 240

Polly, the 2, 14, 85, 240

Poole and Thompson Co. Ltd. 192

Portree, Scotland 13

potato famine, Irish 3

Power, Eddie 144

Pownal 213

Pownal Bay 245

Prince Albert, Saskatchewan 224

Prince County 63

Prince Edward Island Hospital 97, 115, 208, 231

Prince of Wales College 161, 183

Prince Street Wharf 149

Putnam Family, the 202


Quartette, the Belfast 194, 246 Quartette, the Legion 194 Queen Hotel, Charlottetown 53, 79 Queen Victoria 250 Queens Fourth, Electoral District

of 41 Quincy, Massachusetts 208


Rayburn, Alan 3 Red River, Manitoba 1 Redmond, Linda 139


158, 159,


Redmond, Mary Naddy 139

Regina, Saskatchewan 192

Rhodes and Currie, Amherst, NS. 206

Riceton,Sasktachewan 233

Riel, Louis 93

Riley, John 44

Riley, Malcolm 44

Risdon, John 176

Roberts, Field Marshall Frederick 239

Roger’s Hardware 241

Rooney, Gloria Shaw

Rooney, Jim 140,249

Rooney, Richard 140

Rooney, Tracy 140

Roseberry 53,71,206

Roseberry School 223

Ross, Anna 55

Ross, Annie 166

Ross, Baxter 228-238

Ross,Damon 73,166,223

Ross, Dan 194,246

Ross,Dave 178

Ross, Donald D. 84-91

Ross, Douglas 85

Ross Family, Lower Montague 66

Ross, Florence Beaton 85

Ross, Gussie 29, 54-61

Ross, Heather 85

Ross, Jimmy 53

Ross, John Alex (Surrey) 72, 216

Ross, John Robert (Flat River) 85, 170

Ross, John Robert (Pinette) 166

Ross, Johnny 64

Ross, Magnus 29

Ross, Margaret MacLeod 89

Ross, Mary Ann MacDonald 229

Ross, Nina Miller 229

Ross, Rita MacDonald 80

Ross, Robert 229

Ross, Stewart 40-47, 55, 79, 235

Ross, Tom 166

Ross, Vaunda Robinson 85

Ross,Willie 216,222

139, 140