Acknowledgements I would like to thank the following Tor contributing to this work: Alvin Bcagan , Jack MacMillan , and Josie Jackman who told me about the Corrigans and the Walkers. Hughie Buchanan of Breadalbane , Margaret Palmer of Brain tree Massachusetts , and Joe Nantes of Maple wood Road, who told me about the William Doyles . John Cameron , Edward MacDonald and Father Art O'Shea for their editing advice. Anne Chisholm , secretary at the Basilica , for her patience in checking church records for information about the Doyles . The following people, who themselves lived on Doyles Point, taught me a great deal about life in the area and those who lived it: my aunt Margaret (Doyle) Campbell, my uncle Frank Doyle , Mary (Doyle) Murphy, Kathleen (Doyle) MacDonald and her husband Athol MacDonald and my cousin and friend Peter Doyle . A very special thank you to my mother Isabclle Daley who contributed so much information and advice in the production of this book. Her article on her life as a child on Doyles Point, which I have included, was a great inspiration to me. Edmund Doyle , of P.E. I., Tim Doyle of Winnipeg and Tom Sullivan of the who aided me with Piety Doyle and his family. Kathleen Doyle presently of Charlotte town and her brother Dr. Philip Doyle of Ottawa I who told stories about LP . Doyle, their grandfather. Colin and Jean MacDonald of St. Peters also were very informative, having known LP . personally. I Fred Driscoll , who contributed most of the information on the children of Margaret and , James Driscoll . Harry 1 lolman, Provincial and Douglas I-rase r, Genealogical Coordinator at the I P.K.I. Museum and Heritage Foundation for their advice on searching historical records. : Mary Lappin , a relative of Mary (Flynn) Doyle who visited the family of John and Mary ■)oyle on many occasions. E Hubert Murgnahan , present resident of Doyles Point for allowing me to "poke around" ■lis property. || Tom and Kmestinc Murphy of Cumberland told me of the Doyle connections in that Jarca. \ Margaret Quinn (daughter of Bill Doyle ) contributed much information on the family I of James Doyle and Margaret Ilogan . It was Margaret who remembered her mother j talking to her grandmother ( Margaret Ilogan ) and from her memories of those Conversations, I learned about Augusta May and Mary Angelina . fcdelc Wesson of Lynn Massachusetts helped me greatly with Klizabcth (Doyle) Walker.