£%t*. HARVEYSBRJG This jail served the people of Prince Edward Island until the 1911 jail was built on . A Thomas Tobin , native of Ireland, died in Charlottetown age 53 July 8, 1848. "He had been a member of this community for many years." (Examiner 07/10/48) Another incident occurred in the Seven Mile Bay area near Borden. James Doyle Shot By His Brother Martin Martin Doyle and his brother James had adjoining properties near P.E. I. James had swine which on occasion, apparently because of poor fencing, decided to feed in and root up a field the ownership of which was in dispute. Both James and Martin felt they owned the field, which had a pile of stumps in the middle. On May 14, 1831 James was out sowing seed in this field from a bucket. Martin and his wife Catherine were working in the same field. While sowing grain James was fired upon from behind and struck in the head by four grains (pieces of shot), twenty-five marks being made in his straw hat. He turned to sec Martin rising from one knee with a gun in his hands. Martin then said "I have fixed you at last!" and walked away. James replied," Yes you have murdered me." James then walked the 100 yards to his home where after being attended to by a doctor, was thought to be at death's door. After spending three weeks in bed, he managed to regain his health. James had Martin charged with attempted murder. He was found "not guilty," chiefly because of the testimony of many character witnesses. ( Royal Gazette , February 28, 1832.) 16