[According to Rev. A.Ii . Burke, among the first settlers at Seven Mile Uay ivere James Doyle , Martin Doyle, and Thomas Doyle . He states further that Father Morris used to "hold station" at the home of Martin Doyle. Father James [\ Morris was based at Charlottctown from 1836 until May 21,1838. (MacMillan 23)] Was one of the above James Doyles , our James? Based on the available evidence we cannot say one way or the other. We do know that in 1841, according to the British Census , there were four James Doyles living on P.E.I. Of the life of our James Doyle between 1816 and 1834 a number of things can be deduced from later census records and from death records. On September 29, 1826, Pierce Lacey died in Charlottctown. He was the father of Margaret Lacey , the girl James would marry. He had therefore come to Canada from Wexford prior to that, probably bringing his family with him. The name Pierce (Piety) was used many times in the Doyle family and therefore it is important to note that it was from this man that the name, in all likelihood, derives. The members of this Lacey (Lacy) family were: PARENTS Pierce (Picry) Lacey (1771-1826) Catherine Margaret Gaffney ( ? -1845) CHILDREN Margaret married James Doyle (1811-1897) Anastasia married Lawrence Murphy , Lot 6 5, Cumberland (?-1882) William unmarried (1816-1843) Lawrence* unmarried (1820-1839) Pierce ( Piery ) married Margaret Mooney [Daughter of Patrick, Lot 37] (1823-1889) / is important to realize that names of early emigrants on P.EI . vary in eir spelling. Lawrence is sometimes spelled 'Ixiurence", and I have found Wbe same Doyle spelled both ' Doyal " and "Doil". The reason for this was that the early Irish and Scottish working class immigrants were uneducated mecause of the situation in their homelands. Ihe English who dominated I them would not allow them to have schools of their own. In order to be educated they had to renounce their religion and swear allegiance to the \English King. As a result, when an immigrant couple went to the priest to move a baby baptized, the priest might ask "Is that spelled D-o-NP" Not , knowing how to spell, and to avoid embarrassment, they probably always replied " Yes", whether he said Doil, Doyal , or Doyle. Spelling had yet to be Wregularized", and little importance was attached to it Members of the above Lacey family were born in Ireland. The Adamstown parish register, in County Wexford , contains the birth records of William, j Lawrence, and a Mary. The reader will notice how all of these given names of 17