EARL Y POST OFFICE 22) An interesting aspect of this post office, is that Frank Doyle remembers his father, John, getting a contract to demolish such an old post office in 1936. Frank helped with the demolition. Recreation at that time consisted of horseback riding, shooting, fishing, and going for picnics in cither wagons or boats. Snowshocing was popular in winter.(Stcwart 16) For the poorer people, most socializing was done at gatherings of family and friends. An insight into this type of gathering is found in a description of early "ccilidghs"[sic]. There was a great interest in these neighborly visits, and there were rarely any dull moments. The Irish people were particularly adept in the rapid fire, but friendly, needling that represented quick and clever thinking, skill in repartee, nimblencss and adroitness in debate; wit and humor provided keen enjoyment as the flow of conversation moved around the circle of friends and neighbors, who never lost their sense of good fellowship. (Brehaut 64) It was probably family occasions such as the 1834 marriage of Margaret's sister Anastasia which were most important to them. Anastasia married a farmer from , Lot 6 5 ( Cumberland ) by the name of Lawrence Murphy . Since many of the Murphys came from County Wexford, they may even have come out on the same vessel. 20