First-born child ofJames Doyle and Margaret Lacey. Margaret Doyle was born in 1829. She lived on the farm at Doyles Point with her family until 1852 when she married John Driscoll at St. Dunstan's church in Charlottetown. (John's father had died in a fall from the mast of a ship in 1832.) Her father and a hdy named Bridget Cary were witnesses. This rmrriage took place in the new wooden cathedral begun in 1843. It was to serve the Diocese until a new stone cathedral was completed in 1907. A photograph of this church and the bishop's palace is in the photo section. The photo shows that the 1843 Cathedral was at right angles to the present Basilica.
Margaret lived on a farm' in Mt. Herbert with her husbandJohn” Driscoll and raised a family of thir- ‘ - - teen. (The names of \ these children. and otherstatistialinfomia- tion.isgivenattheback \ \ " ofthisbook,withthat l of the other families). . ' Margaret andJohn lived a quiet life on the farm and, as such. there is little information avail- ableon themotherthan - .\_ ‘ I/,,,,,, _ . that found on church £049.55? '7 '- --’ . ' - . "’ _ mm. records.censusreports, ’ awn-gx sex? ' " ‘ and gravestones. ‘ ’ 5 W .
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John Driscoll inherited thesecondfarmin 1879. . Shortly thereafter a '. ‘
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