By 1870 PieryandJohanna had their own home on Church Street. it was also that year that Pierce did some worit for St. Mary's Convent. The following are excerpts from theAmls qut. Mary‘s Convent, Summerside.
August 17, 1870
The arrangements of our house caused some inconvenience. The community room served also as a dining room for the Sisters and boarders, asaclassroom and a pantry. The Sisters had a pantry built and the room separated. The worit was done by Mr. Pierce Doyle who
ctnrged only half price.
April 1, 1884 Piery builds a new convent in Summerside. “The undertaking of building the Convent was given to Pierce Doyle for the sum of
Piery was a very prominent builder and mover of houses and other buildings, not only in the Summerside area but over most of the Island. In addition, he was a builder of bridges, wharfs and other marine structures. A partial list of his accomplishments is given in the Charlottetown Herald in September of 1886.
...the Summerside Drill Shed; the Railway Wharf Summerside; the Malpeque Breakwater, the Souris Breakwater, the Stock Farm Build- ings; the West River Bridge; North River Bridge; Wright’s Bridge; Bridge at hot 10; Grand River Bridge (1873); South West Bridge Lot 16; Fullerton's Marsh Bridge; rebuilding of the Grand River Bridge 1879; Block to Queen's Wharf Summerside; rebuilding of Queen's Wharf Summerside after the August Gale of 1873; approaches to Ferry Wharf Charlottetown; the Summer-side Convent 1868; the new Surrunerside Convent 1884; the Progress Printing Office Summerside; the Fastem District School Summerside; the residences of the following gentle- men, viz: Hon. William Campbell, New London; H.C.Green, Summerside, John MacKenzie do, Thomas Crabbe do, Neil McKelvie