By 1870 Picry and Johanna had their own home on . It was also that year that Pierce did some work for St . Mary's Convent. The following arc excerpts from the Annals o/SL Mary's Convent, Summerside . August 17, 1870 The arrangements of our house caused some inconvenience. The community room served also as a dining room for the Sisters and boarders, as a classroom and a pantry. The Sisters had a pantry built and the room separated. The work was done by Mr. Pierce Doyle who charged only half price. April 1,1884 Piery builds a new convent in . "The undertaking of building the Convent was given to Pierce Doyle for the sum of $3,700.00.' Piery was a very prominent builder and mover of houses and other buildings, not only in the area but over most of the Island. In addition, he was a builder of bridges, wharfs and other marine structures. A partial list of his accomplishments is given in the Charlottctown Herald in September of 1886. ...the Drill Shed; the ; the Malpequc Breakwater; the Souris Breakwater, the Stock Farm Build¬ ings; the West River Bridge; Bridge; Wright's Bridge; Bridge at Lot 10 ; Bridge (1873); Bridge Lot 16 ; Fullciton's Marsh Bridge; rebuilding of the Grand River Bridge 1879; Block to Queen's Wharf ; rebuilding of Queen's Wharf after the August Gale of 1873; approaches to Charlottctown; the Convent 1868; the new Summersidc Convent 1884; the Progress Printing Office ; the Eastern District School ; the residences of the following gentle¬ men, viz: Hon. William Campbell , New London ; H.C.Green , , John MacKcnzie do, Thomas Crabbc do, Neil McKclvic KifidKJ-* - • RESIDENCE OF SEN. H.C GREEN . J.P. BUILT BY PIERY DOYLE 32