In the early hours of February 20, 1884 another major fire ravaged Charlottctown. We can imagine the concern of our ancestors living on the Point for their neighbors in Chariottetown. The men may even have "hitched up* and raced to town to lend a hand. We shall now depart those living on Doyles Point and will rejoin them in good time. & [ ELIZABETH , Sixth child of James Doyle and Margaret Lacey Elizabeth was bom in Octoberof 1840, her baptism sponsors being Patrick Doyle and Johanna Doyle . While living on the farm as a child, she may have taken great delight in swimming in, and rowing the boat across Fullerton's Creek to visit neighboring children, as did Doyles of the next generation. When Elizabeth was thirty-four she married Angus Walker from the neighboring parish of Ft. Augustus. Angus was the son of John Walker and Effie MacDonald . By 1878, Angus and Elizabeth, or "Lizzie* as she was called, had a home of their own on what was then known as Bishop's Lane in Charlotte- town. This street was later called . On November. 13th, 1879 Angus and Lizzie went to Cathe¬ dral and "stood for" the Baptism of Margaret Gertrude , the new daughter of Jim Doyle and Margaret Hogan . This was i somewhat a reciprocal performance 'for them, since the previous March, Jim and Margaret had been the baptis- [mal sponsors for Clara Ann Lauretta ■Lottie), third daughter of Angus and [ Elizabeth Walker . Angus was a very kind man and [full of fun, and also quite musical. It is [interesting to think of the family, which consisted of three girts and two boys kitting around the house listening to ■heir father play the fiddle. As they "*" grew older they probably danced to A/l AC*\~\ I MFDV ! his music at local dance halls. His fid- L _ _ _ ^ ' Idle was probably heard often at the Doyle homes as he was a good friend of both Jim and William. A carpenter [by trade, Angus is so listed in the 1881 ■ Census . He must have been very tal- lented with his hands, since he was Bcnown to make fiddles, something Founders, Engineers £ Machinists, Steam Navigation Co.'s. Whari. Minuiinutm of STEAMBOAT, MILL t FARM B«o; rqaifpni vitfc REPAIRS Promptly Attended 4 3