" At St. Peter 's Bay, on the 2nd inst. of Scarlet Fever, Adolphus L.F . aged 7 months and 4 days; and on the 3rd inst. Francis Lewis , aged 3 years and 1 month beloved children of Lawrence and Mary Ann Doyle ." What a tragedy to befall a young family! (Having recently attended a funeral for a young child in St. Peters , I can imagine the sorrow there would be in that household at the time.) Two small white stones marking their graves still stand in the St. Peters graveyard, near those of their parents. (Although the boys were buried next to their parents, the stones were mistakenly arranged incorrectly when the graveyard was renovated to make grass cutting easier.) L.P . was a well respected member of the community and a fine craftsman, sculpting in metal, and making forks for mussel mud as well as regular blacksmith fare. He was a farrier too, no doubt, and loved horses always having at least one. Lawrence Patrick is not to be confused with Lawrence Doyle the poet and songwriter, who lived on the . This is probably how the nickname " LP ." arose, to avoid confusing two men living in the same area and having the same name. He was reputed to have a bit of a temper at times. In a book called Tbe Farmer-Poet, the following appears. " Wilfred Larkin compared him [Lawrence the poet] one time to the other Lawrence Doyle— Lawrence P. Doyle , the St. Peters black¬ smith—who, he said was 'short on the grain, .... easily insulted'..." The 1881 Federal Census for St. Peters provides us with this description of this Doyle family. Doyle, Lawrence Blacksmith R.C. Residence 41 [Lot 41] NAME SEX AGE NATIVITY Doyle, Lawrence male 39 P.EJ . Doyle Mary Ann female 39 Doyle John male 11 Doyle Joseph M. male 9 Doyic George F . male 2 McWade Timothy male 20 Eight years after his two boys died and a year before he purchased the property on which he worked, L.P . had another shock when his wife, Mary Ami , died. Died at March 3rd 1884. Mary Ann (Curric) Doyle, wife of Lawrence Patrick Doyle in the 46th year of her age. She was attended in her last hours by his Lordship Bishop Maclntyrc, who administered the last Sacraments of the Catholic Church. He also celebrated high Mass at her funeral and pronounced the last words over her remains. (From a family paper provided by Kathleen Doyle of Georgetown and Charlottetown , and granddaughter of L.P .) The Daify Examiner says"... She 46