Tenth child of James Doyle and Margaret Iacey
Moses was born in May of 1850 at the family farm in Mermaid. He was baptized at St. Dunstan's old wooden cathedral, built in 1843. His baptism sponsors were Peter Paul and Ann Murpnon [sic]. When Moses was sixteen he would have witnessed the fire which destroyed much of the Charlottetown area on July 15, 1866.
The 1870-71 directory tells us that he had left the farm, was living in Charlottetown and working as a painter. In September of 1873 Moses married Mary Ann Maelsaac, daughter of Donald Maelsaac and Margaret Curry.
At the age of twenty-five Moses died in Charlottetown. We do not know his cause of dath. He was buried at the old cemetery near Birchwood on the twenty-first of October 1875. Those attending his funeral were probably his mother, sisterAnnie, brotherJohn, and wife Mary Ann. His brothers Lawrence andWilliamandtheirwives MaryAnnandMargaretmightalso have been there.
Mary Ann, the widow of Moses, may be the Mary Ann Doyle who appears in the 1881 Census in Lot 50.1fso, she was living at the home of Peter Maclsaac in the Vernon River area with a six-ymr-old son James. She does not appear identifiably in the 1891 census, as Mary Ann Doyle. Did Moses and Mary Ann have a son? There is no baptism on the Basilica records to indicate that is so. The folbwing baptism does occur however. ' Dec. 30, 1874, I baptized James born 26 inst. of unknown parents. Sps [sponsors] Helen Doyle.’ Was this Helen, the wife of Peter?
Eleventh child ofJames Doyle and Margaret Iaeey
Annie is the most elusive member of this family. She was born in 1855 presumably at the {arm in Mermaid and yet there is no record of her baptism at the Basilica, St. Andrews, or St. Patrick’s in Fort Augustus. In 1863 Annie (Bridget Ann), then thirteen, is mentioned in her father’s will, as being the recipient often pounds. She was definitely living on the farm at the time of the 1881 census. Annie moved to town with her motherand brotherJohn and lived with them until 1891. They lived at 69, and later 110 Malpeque Road.