better ones which some of the pupils managed to get. I think that they were soap stone with the same type of soft pencils to use with them. We were all supposed to have slate cloths in our desks with which to clean them. I recall many times that the slates were cleaned with saliva and rubbed with the heel of the hand. Once I remember going to the rag bag at home and taking out what I thought would make slate rags only to hear my mother say, 'No dear, that's a good rag.’ The good rags were used for mats orquilts. A slate rag was something which could not be used for more important projects.

This brings to mind the quilting and hooking bees. How we looked forward to those events when some of the women from the district gathered at our house for their afternoon of hooking or quilting. Of course, there would be extra baiting done in preparation for it and something extra special made for the evening meal. There would be probably eight or ten women come. Those who could not sit around the frame and work at the quilt would usually knit and join in the conversation and laughs. I imagine even to have to invite one of those very straight laced ladies (whom one could not leave out) would cause much tension on the part of the hostess in case something would be said that would be offensive to the ears of a very reserved person. However, those wherings were much enjoyed and they certainly shortened the time required to complete the projects.

I recall my mother talking to one of the ladies after one afternoon and telling here that she was mortified at the story which Kate told. She added, ‘I wouldn't have minded so much if Grace and Anne hadn't been there.” I never did find out what was told but it probably could be printed in books today and be considered worthy of a literature award.

Another event that created a lot of interest and excitement was the School Fair which was held in the fall at the old MacDonald Consoli- dated School in Mt. Herbert. The surrounding districts took part in it. The competition was good. The girls competed in baking brad, biscuits and cookies as well as writing and drawing. Also, there was a sock darning competition, and fruit and vegetable displays. The boys were in woodworking competitions as well as some of the above. There were races of all sorts held outdoors such as relay races, two legged races and sack racing

Another gathering we went to whenever there was one held was a Box Social. It was an evening of music and singing, stepdancing or maybe watching a short play. Box Socials were held at the Consolidated School. At that time the school was used only for social events but my father and his generation were former pupils of that school. When the program was over, the boxed lunches were brought on the stage and auctioned. The more attractive the box was made, the more easily it sold.

I remember mom spending a lot of time decorating a square box of goodly size with white crepe paper, trimming it with pink bows, and putting a handle on it. I thought at home that it was absolutely beautiful. There were a lot of sandwiches and other goodies put into