drink containing lye, used for soap making, and drank it. Dr. McGuigan was called immediately, but the harm had been done. A nurse looked after him until he died shortly thereafter.
Life on the farm continued in similar fashion to that of past generations. Peter remembers doing some hunting, on one particularocmsion shooting five black ducks with one shot. lie had come home in the midst of a heavy snow squall and unhitched the horse. On his way into the yard he noticed a large number of black ducks feeding and seeking shelter from the wind in the cove near the point field.
Bythe timelgot to the houselwaswarmagainand decidedtogo andhaveatryatthe ducks. Itookthegundownfromtherackand headed up towards lee MacDonald’s and then cut out for the shore. I then walked back around the shore towards where the ducks were
feeding, crept up on the bank and peered through the tall grass.
When I fired the shot from our single shot twelve puge, five ducks remained on the water. Two were dead, two were knocked out, and one was very much alive. Iwas very excited to have downed so many ducks and was anxious to get them home to display my prizes. It was quite a chore, let me tell you now. As lnared the house I had the gun under my arm, two dead ducks in on hand, and three in various stages of life in the other. I yelled for them to come and help me. and we eventually got the ducks to the wood house. Although we managed the first four reasonably quickly, it took us a long time to get the last of them. It got up on the wood piles and crawledaround for ‘rnostan hour before we taught it. It took me two hours the next day to get the wood piled up right again.
Joseph and his family worked the Point firm until 1950. By that time Joe was sixty-one. Joe and Aderina then ‘went to live an an adjacent farm owned by Athol MacDonald and his wife Kathleen Ooe’s daughter). lean remember picking turnips with uncleJoe with a horse and art on that farm, when [was about twelve. lbuggedhimuntilheletmetake the reins and‘drive the horse.‘ Showing the good humor of the Doyles, he didn't even get angry when I slapped the horse with the reins causing it to run across the field into the bushes scattering turnips out of the an and searing hell out of everyone including the horse and me!
With this I close this narrative. Although I could write other Doyle stories, I hope I have included enough to show the human side of their lives. These were not famous people in the public sense, but people like you and me who provided well for their families, taught them to respect and help others, and handed on these values to us.
What follows rs an outline of the next generation with brief descriptions of their lives according to available information. Note that dates are to be read in the following fashion: Month/Day/Ymr, and that many people are born during one century, and die in the next.