Children ofJohn Driscoll (1821-1904)

and Margaret Doyle (1829-1904) NAME BORN DIED SPOUSE 1. John 12/ /52 / /06 Margaret Cook 2. Margret 06/29/54 Tobias Coady (widower) 3. James 04/ /56 / /81 4. Johanna 02/ [58 / N9 John Beam 5. Daniel 04/ I60 / I47 (1) Mary E. Coreoran (2) Mature! 14¢de 6. Joseph / I62 06/01/87 unmarried 7. Catherine 09/1 1/64 unmarried 8. Lawrence 08/13/66 Margaret Ann Kelly 9. Francis 09/17/68 / /45 Margaret Coady (Dau. Patrick) 0. Thomas 10/ /70 Annie MacDonald (no Ghee Bay) 1. MaryEllen 12/04/72 Will'nm Dillon, (Billy) 2. Anastasia 02/19/75 S. Hough, Boston

3. Augusta May 05/23/78 02/30/51 Alphonse Corrigan

1. John was a farmer. This couple inherited the property of John's father-in- law, George Cooke in Mount Herbert.

3. James it seems, did not marry. He lived at his parent's home, presumably farming, until his early death aged 25.

4. 'l'heBaganswere farmers who lived atJohnstons River. A grandson, Alvin still lives in the area.

5. DanielfivedonafarminBaheLHisfirstwifeMugathchiddiedin 1896atheageofthirty—sixJ‘heyhadbeenmarriedforjustsixymrs. Margret and heryoungest child, Margret, are buried at St. Theresa’s. The other children of this marriage wereJoseph P., laura, and Irene. Daniel then untried Mary Ellen Coreoran, by whom he had other children.

6. Joseph's baptisrml record is not in the church records, a not uncommon event. The Census of 1881 listsaJoseph aged eighteenyears in this family. TheExamiuer, June 1, reports the following death. At Lot 48, 1 June 1887, Joseph Driscoll in his 25th year alter an illness of several years.’ A birth date of 1862 fits quite nicelyinto this family. It seems thatJoseph was a sickly young man who lived and died at home.

7. Catherine moved to Boston, as did many young people at that time, and worked as a domestic—a housekeeper and/or cook. She made some