



money, possibly from bequests, and visited home each summer during the late 1930's and early 1940's. On her hst visit she sufi'ered a stroke at the home of her sister, ‘Gussie' (Driscoll) Corrigan. Lena Bagan came home from Boston to care for her. She eventually went home to Boston where she died.

Iawrence married an Island girl, Margaret Anne Kelly, the daughter of Charles Kelly and Mary Ann McManus. They made their home in Iawrencetown, Massachusettses.

Francis (Frank), a farmer, lived on the homestead. He married Margaret Coady, daughter of Patrick Coady and Alice Edmonds. She was the

granddaughter of the original Tobias Coady of Alexandra.

Thomas ran a grocery store in Charlottetown before moving to Glace Bay N.S., where be operated a similar business. His wife, Annie MacDonald, was from Webster's corner. One son, Patrick, worked for the Royal Bank in Ottawa. Patrick married Madelyn, a native of Newfoundland. One of the daughters of Patrick and Madelyn married the son ofJustice James Estey of the Supreme court of Canada in the 1970’s.

Anastasia married 5. Hough Feb. 2, 1909 at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross in Boston, Massachusetts. Alvin Beam recalls that she died around Faster

time in 1939.

Mary Ellen married William (Billy) Dillon, a barber who lived in Charlotte- town. Dillon had room at the Victoria Hotel where he conducted his business and lived mostly at 217 Sydney Street. He also barbered with a group of six or seven others at a large barber shop at Hughes’ Corner, the intersection of Queen and Grafton.

Augusta Mae married her first cousin Alphonsus Corrigan a farmer and livedin Village Green and Georgetown. More about this couple can be read inthemainbodyofthisbooklct underthe hadingCA’l'l-IERINE, THE THIRD CHILD OFJAMES DOYIEANDMARGAREI‘IACEY.