Children of Pierce Doyle (1833-1890) and Johanna Sullivan (1844-1906)
NAME BORN DIED SPOUSE 1. Margaret (Maggie) 09/28/64 07/28/32 John McNally 2. James Iawrence 12/16/66 01/10/67 3. Catherine (Kate) 02/28/68 02/12/32 unmarried 4. William Patrick 07/16/70 unknown Lillian McNally 5. James Wilfred / /72 08/17/47 Gertrude Louise lawlor 6. Lawrence Sabinus 01/27/76 08/17/52 7. Charles Hilary 05/25/78 10/13/42 Hallie Mae McKinney 8. Joseph Pierce 05/06/84 10/09/41 Margaret Jane
(Pier?) (Percy) ms 9. Frances Marcellus 10/25/86 05/21/68 Ethel Mary (Frank) Perccval
1. Maggie and”. lived in Piery’s house on Fitzroy street in Summerside, after they moved from the farm home at Cape Egmont. In 1925 they built a fine home on Water Street in Summerside.
3. Kate lived with Maggie andjohn OJ.)
4. Patrick left the province after a business failure in the lobster canning industry. 'Pat liked to dress fancy and to fight. He would go to all the ice cram socials, all dressed up, and go home in tatters.’ (quoted from a grandson) He contacted his family twice asking them to come out to Washington State. His wife decided against it. He was last heard from in the Seattle, Washington area where he was traced by the Pinkerton Detective Agency, hired by the family. Patrick's children were Edith, HelenJohanna, William Aubrey (Hoppington Ma), Clarence Frederick, Edmund Ellsberry, Eileen (Mrs Patrick Kelly, Toronto, Ontario), and Clarence Patrick. The above names were supplied by Aubrey Doyle of Hoppington.
5. James Wilfred started Out as an accountant for CF. Railway, Montral. He then took a job as manager of the Cape Breton Railway. In 1921 James ran as Conservative candidate in federal election in Halifax. Unsuccessful in that election, in 19271im tookajobas managerof the Nova Scotia Hospital, in Dartmouth. His children were James Pierce, Marion Louise, Kathleen Gertrude (Mrs. Charles Aucoin) all of Halifax.
6. Lawrence Sabinus (Dr. Vet. Medicine), Doyle was food inspector for
Moncton city, and parish and sanitation inspector for Westmorland County. He died in Moncton NR.