Children ofEllnbeth Doy1e(1840-1914)

and Angus Walker (1818-1925) NAME BORN DIED SPOUSE 1. Mary Elinheth 12/01/75 12/22/97 unmarried


2. Margarita A. 04/ 16/77 05/ /48 Eben Nichols (Della)

3. ClaraAnn 03/30/79 02/ /48 Harry Smith lauretta

(Lotti) 4. Alfred Edgar 01/23/81 03/19/69 Ella Collins Marcellus

5.MichaelWallace 09/29/82 02/10/18 MaryGillan (W-W.) (MAC)

2. Delh was a seamstress, at Machellan Brothers, and later at 'The Misses Walker'. She then moved to the ‘States'.

4. Edgar worked as a carpenter at M.P. Hogan‘s in Charlottetown, and then moved to Lynn Massachusetts. His children were Adele (1922- ) William Wallace (1924-1928),John Edgar(l928~ ). Edgar's fathcrAngus lived with Edgar's family during his old age. Adele remembers seeing her grandfather in his coffin in their living room although she was only three at the time. Adelemarriedl-‘mncis W. Wesson and continues to live in LynnJohn Edgar lives in Everett, Massachusetts.

5. Wallace Walker, the son of Elizabeth and Angus, ran a grocery store at 225 Euston Street and was at that time the youngest person to serve on Clnrlottetown City Council. He later became government inspector of weights and measures. Wallace died at age thirty-four in 1918. The wake was held at his father's home.