Children oflzwrenee Patrick Doy1e(1844-1914)

and Mary Ann Currie (18381884) NAME BORN DIED SPOUSE 1.]0thames 01/02/70 12/14/64 MaryJoanna Ernest Griļ¬‚in 2. Joseph 10/10/71 03/20/61 Molly Izwis 3. Francis Lewis 05/05/73 06/03/76 child death 4. Adolphus 10/19/75 06/13/76 child death lawrenee Fraser 5. George 04/09/79 04/ /27 Minnie M. Lewis Franklin Wilfred

ote: LP. and his second wife Ellen Mullally had no children.

1. Ernest was a railway engineer. He lived and died in Georgetown P.E.I. Ernest had three daughters, Kathleen Adele, Dorothy Frances, and Mary Margaret, and two sons Philip Ernest (christened Philip Emmet) and Iawrence Gerard.

Kathleen and Mary both taught for a short time and then became nurses. They spent much of their nursing careers in Cambridge, Massachusetts, retiring to P.E.I. Dorothy also taught for a couple of years and then joined the Sisters of Notre Dame. She eventually obtained her PhD in English and taught in Montreal eventually returning to the Island where she taught at St. Joseph's Cement. Her religious name was Sister Dorothy Marie.

Philip became a physician obtaining his MD. from MeGill, and eventually specializing in cardiology. He practiced in the Ottawa arm and now lives there in retirement. Iawrence went into the mining business in the Toronto area.

2. Joseph was a horse breeder in St. Peters, and later a chauffeur for a Mr. Carnagie in Revere Massachusetts. They had three girls, Olive, Grace, and Dorothy. All of the girls married and lived in Revere Massachusetts.

5. George was a blacksmith and later an Alberta municipal worker. He died

in Stavely, Alberta. George and Minnie had three girls, Mary, Mildred, and Lillian, and three boys, Iawrence Patrick, Robert, and Lewis.