Childrm of William Doyle (1847-1895) and Margret Evans (1848—1919)
NAME BORN 1. Mary Adelaide 12/13/72 (Ada) 2. James Edward 05/21/74 3. Catherine Margret 09/30/75 (Kathleen Maggie) 4. William Millwood 08/18/77 5. Moses Peter 01/31/79 (PiaccxPcrcy) 6. Arthur Patrick 08/03/81 7. John Emmett 03/10/83 8. Iawrence Waltham 01/03/85 9. Iawrence Walton 05/27/86
DIED 07/01/32
02/18/08 12/02/75
04/14/24‘ 01/25/50
12/19/21‘ 11/23/13 01/15/86 05/30/87
William A
Catherine A. (Katie) Croken infant death
Melvina Cheverie 1 . Lizzie _?_
2. Harriet _?_ Gladys _?_ unmarried
infant death infant death
° East Boston Massachucetts
Mary Adelaide, (Mrs. W.A. Cheverie) had a daughter Margret Mary born inAlbertain 1911. Margaret mam'edleonardW. Palmer. Thcyhadthree
sons and three daughters ( Donald Wm, David L, Richard]., Virginia F., Elinbeth A., Rosemary C.) The Cheveries were living in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan in December of l 915. Her husband, William Cheverie, died in 1922, at Maplewood, near Kelly’s Cross at the age of sixty. Ada died in Melrose Massachusetts.
J amt: E. Doyle had three daughters MaryVirg'nia (Mrs. AndrewAnderson), Margret Catherine (Mrs. Frank D. Wolfe) and Helen Angelina (Mrs Roland Griffith). All male ofl‘spring ofVirginia and Margret have Doyle as a middle name.
Moses Peter (Percy, Pierey) had been absent from the province for fifteen years by Dec. 15, 1913 (Petition a 178 probate court). He was living in Detroit in 1925.
This man lived in the Boston area.
7. John Emmett died in Neville, Saskatchewan.