Credits Illustrations on the following pages have been used with permission from the Island Magazine; 12,13,19, 20, 22,42. This magazine is produced by the P.E.I. Museum and Heritage Foundation. The map of Ireland preceding the introduction was from a production called New Ireland, Tbe Irish onP.EL, also produced by the P.E.I.Museum and Heritage Foundation. Maps and illustrations found on the following pages were taken from the 1880 Atlas of P.E.I. produced by J.H. Meacham and Company; 30, 32, 34, 35, 36. The map on page 65 was taken from the Cummins Atlas of P.E.I , published about 1927. Photographs were supplied by the following: Lawrence Patrick " LP ." Doyle............................................................. Kathleen Doyle James "Jim" Doyle..............................................................Margaret (Doyle) Campbell Pierce " Piery " Doyle..................................................................................... Tim Doyle Elizabeth "Lizzie"(Doyle) Walker............................................................ Adele Wesson William Doyle ....................................................................Margaret (Chcverie) Palmer Photos of Harvey's Brig (p. 16), Fakronwood Hospital (p.49) and Cheapside (Early showing approximate location of Peter Doyle 's boarding house) come from photo collection held by the P.E.I. Archives . 95