The Author Louis Daley is a science teacher at Morell Regional High School. He has earned a B.Sc . from University and a B. Ed , from the University of P. E.I. He became interested in researching the Doyle family out of natural curiosity a number of years ago, and was encouraged to write down his findings by Rev. Francis W . P. Bolger and his friend John Cameron as well as various members of the Doyle family. His other interests have included hunting, coaching softball and baseball, skeet shooting, bagpipes, and guitar. He is married to the former Evelyn Fraser and has two children, Jennifer, aged 20 and Michael, aged 15. Mr. Daley lives in East Royalty , near Charlotte town. Prince Edward Island and could see Doyles Point out his kitchen window, if he could convince his neighbor to move his house about ten feet to the west. 96