18 BIRDS OF P. E. ISLAND. more intended for the realms of sunshine than for the shadows of earth. The Hermit is less in size than the Robin, being two inches shorter, and of a much more delicate structure. Color, brownish—olive above, and white, marked with brown, below. The males arrive the last of April, and mope solitary in the shadows for some days, when the females arrive, and soon the tender melodies ring through the leafless groves. The nest of small twigs and grasses is built on the ground, and contains four or five greenish-blue eggs. It feeds on ground beetles and such other insects as inhabit wood— lands. THE OLIVE-BACKED THRUSH is sometimes heard Singing here. MW family 0f §ylbimta Of these diminutive birds we have the Ruby— crowned and Gold-crested Kinglets. The former (Regulus calm/dam) is a little over four inches in length: bright olive—green on the back and whitish below, tinged with yellowish; two white bars on