30 BIRDS OF P. E. ISLAND. August, but the females stay the whole of the month, feeding their young on the myriad pyr— alides that infest the ripened foliage. MW Ifuungtra The Scarlet 'l‘anager (Pym/43¢ m/mz) is one of the most brilliant of American birds. Its color is scarlet, with black wings and tail. Its song is inferior, and it feeds on berries as well as on inseets. It is but a rare visitant here. The only authentic instance I know of, being one seen at More” by Dr. F. Beer. MW Uirtcnltts, Intimately associated with the Warblers in their green—wood haunts is the Red-eyed Vireo, a modest, olive—tinted bird that never leaves the leaf) shadows. Its song consists only of two notes, but so constantly repeated that they make a ceaseless ripple of gentle melody flowingr through