several minutes. Then it makes a sudden dash into the air and returns promptly to resume its motionless position on the same perch. This is its mode for catching,r insects, and is that followed by all the family. The Kingbird’s nest is built on the limb of a lofty fir, and is defended with great spirit by its brave occupant. It is amusing to see the plucky little bird drive away such great marauders as crows and hawks which actually dread its persistent, bee-like assaults. 'l‘he lr’htebe—bird (Sayiurm's lesm) arrives with the Warblers, the first sunny days of June, and for three months afterwards makes the wiltl fells riner with its loud querulous cries of fewer, flaw, fer/tree. 'l‘rail's Flycatcher and the Least Flycatcher are also with its during the summer

months. MY“-


flight - ,__i‘)i1111l§. ( C/mrtl’c‘di/ac [mpg/1w)

This remarkable bird arrives with the Swallows and spends the same short summer season with

us. Its clear fw-c/e, ringing high over wood—land