60 BIRDS OF P. E. ISLAND. hills. That winged thunderbolt of the Arctic regions, the white—plumed and terrifically power— ful Gyrfalcon, visits us at times, like an electric flash, licking his hapless prey from the crystal fields of winter. «A’s/v \VILD PIGEON. (Eda/)z‘slex 7/1 zg'ratorz'zts ) Only a rare straggler of this once abundant and delicious species of game bird is now to be seen in our well—cultivated country. It is not the want of food, we think, but the destructive propensity of humanity which has frightened away the Pigeons. They were here in great numbers at the early settlement of the country, and they still occasionally appear in large flocks in the neighboring Provinces. MW ijzit‘trihges. We have two species of Grouse, the Canada Grouse or Snuce Partridue and the Ruffed 3 I O?