branches of the armed services. Parcels of food and clothing were sent to friends overseas as well as to the boys serving in the Armed Forces—especially those from our own province. The following quotation bears witness of their services: “The Women’s Institutes of Prince Edward Island are to be congratulated upon the most gen- erous donation which they have recently made to the Canadian Red Cross Society, in the form of a cheque for $1,750.00 which is to be used by them to purchase an ambulance. This ambulance is the first to be donated from this province, and the women deserve a great deal of credit for the wonderful response which they have given to this humane cause. The Women’s Institutes have also forwarded a donation of $200.00 towards the purchase of a similar vehic’le by the Federated Women’s Institutes of Canada.”

Other organizations which have received our support and co-operation are Federation of Agriculture, Rural Beautification Society, Farm Forum, T.B. League, Cancer Society, Adult Education Committee, Teachers’ Federation, Polio Foundation, Canadian Leg- ion, Home and School Association, the Hospitals and Orphanages.

The first Rally for District Presidents was held at Charlotte- town in November 1948 and was well attended. Since then a Rally has been held each year.

TRAVELLING VAN The Women’s Institutes requested the Government 0 make available to the rural women of Prince Ed- ward Island a Travelling Van (equipped and staffed) which would go to different centres through the ProvinCe to give instruction in Handcrafts such as dressmaking, glove making, weaving, leather work, etc. This has been in operation since 1950 and needless to say is a most popular service, resulting in the exhibits at local and prov- incial Exhibitions being much improved.

Each year during “Old Home Week” the Women’s Institutes are responsible for the fine display of flowers, fancy-work, crafts, cooking and home—made articles.

Many local Institutes assist the Department of Highways in establishing roadside tables and picnic nooks. Improvements to com- munity halls, churc‘hes, cemeteries, etc., are due mainly to local Wom- en’s Institute groups.

Both Music and Drama Festivals have been promoted and primarily originated in District Convention areas. These Festivals

are held annually and are highly successful. The “Jubilee Guilds” in Newfoundland requested a member

of the Prince Edward Island Executive to speak to their groups; we were justly proud to have our own Mrs. Michael Doyle represent the Province; she also attended Civil Defence courses in Arnprio-r, Out, as a representative of P.E.I. W.I.

For several years the poetry contest was very popular and most successful. It was open to all Women’s Institutes members in the Province as was the Program Planning project complete pro- grams are planned for the year and judged for content and artistic appearance.

The Institute News is the official publication of our organiza-
