“ISLAND HYMN” The words of the “Island Hymn” were written by L. M. Mont- gomery, and the music was composed by Lawrence W. Watson, an- other Islander, and organist of St. Peter’s Cathedral, Charlottetown. In 1908, S. Harry Watts, organist and choir director of the First Methodist Church, Charlottetown, and Supervisor of Music in the public schools, feeling the need of some distinctive Prince Ed- ward Island Ode for use in schools, and other public gatherings, ap— proached Lawrence W. Watson, a fellow-organist and composer and asked him if he would write the music for an Island Hymn, if he could find suitable words. Mr. Watson, who had already composed a fine hymn as well as several other compositions, agreed to do so. The words for the Hymn were then written by L. M. Mont- gomery, and Composer and Author collaborated in making it the com- plete and artistic composition it is. It was first sung in public at a West Kent school closing by the composer’s daughter (Mrs. Ruth Watson Morris) of Charlotte- town, with Mr. Watts at the piano, and this introduction was follow- ed by the general adoption of the Island Hymn at all public meetings and gatherings. (Written for the “Institute News” by Mrs. Ruth Watson Morris) ISLAND HYMN Fair Island of the sea, Upon our princely Isle We raise our song to thee, May kindest fortune smile The bright and blest; In coming years; Loyally now we stand Peace and prosperity As brothers, hand in hand, In all her borders be, And sing God save the land From every evil free, We love the best. And weakling fears. Prince Edward Isle, to thee Our hearts shall faithful be Where’er we dwell; Forever may we stand As brothers, hand in hand, And sing- God save the land We love so well. By Permission of John H. Morris __12_