BRANCH HISTO‘RIES "W 99“" “Work for some good, be it ever so slowly; Cherish some flower, be it ever so lowly; Labour — all labour is noble and holy.” — Mrs. Osgood. ALBERTON — organized November 3, 1927. Officers: Pres. Mrs. H. J. Larkin ; Secretary, Mrs. Herbert Clark; Treasurer, Mrs. A. L. Purdy. Some years before the Institute was organized a number of women formed a Prince County Hospital Aid. It was at a meeting of this group that a motion was made to organize a branch of the Wom~ en’s Institute. In this way work for the Hospital could be continued and at the same time work for the benefit of the community could be done. éOne of the first projects was the purchasing and renovating of a. Hall. For a number of years the Institute continued to provide upkeep for the Alberton Room in the Prince County Hospital, which the Hospital Aid had furnished in memory and appreciation of Dr. E. J. Keir. When the Western Hospital was opened the Institute furnished a room and provided bassinets for the nursery. During the years much Red Cross work has been done. The Institute has sponsored swimming classes, first aid, women’s work, sickroom supplies, loan cupboard, blood donor clinics, etc. Much has been done for the school and many charitable causes have received support. In 1956 the Institute honored its first President, Mrs. H. J. Larkin, (now deceased) by presenting her with a Life Membership. ELMSDALE — On a pleasant March evening in the year I926, an enthusiastic group of women found their way to the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Rennie and followed the suggestion of Mr. Rennie who first voiced the idea of forming an Institute. In the absence of the Supervisor, Miss Matheson, Mrs. Rennie, with the Regulation Books she had received from the Department, proceeded to form the first Women’s Institute in Elmsdale. The need for this organization was felt when the trustees asked the women if there was any way in which they could help de- fray expense of adding a second room to their one room school. The first officers were: Pres., Mrs. Bruce Currie; 1st Vice, Mrs. J. A. Callahan; 2nd Vice, Mrs. E. W. Johnston; Sec., Mrs. J. W. O’Brien; Treas., Mrs. Hugh Williams. 24 members present. The first annual meeting had a membership of 39 and the _13_